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Played for two hours together with the bro's


なし Played for two hours together with the bro's

msg# 1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 | 投稿日時 2020-5-22 11:39
MMONewSite  新米   投稿数: 2
What now? Gont complete diaries up, return to zulrah for money likely try inferno. Give a go OSRS gold if it hasn't tried to Vorkath. Comparable to gp/hr that is a little superior with equipment that is good and I find it more easy since there energy involved. IMO Vorkath is laid back, although neither is AFK therefore it comes down to personal taste. Vork is chiller and probably marginally better money but the absence of drops or remotely interesting mechanics makes me soooo exhausted. That's just me tho, I like something about the battle that is zulrah. In any event, both are good money makers.

Zulrah is easier to look away from than Vorkath because of this 1 photo mechanic. If you know the patterns zulrah is a breeze. While he's doing an 8 switch at 19, I have. Yeah I guess it's a personal preference item. Other than paying attention to the 1 shot strike, making certain you hit on your click onto the spawn, and having the ability to count to 6 Vork is really low key because of the 30 max hit, slow attack speed, and pretty low frequency that he utilizes the one main attack you don't have zeroed out.

My frustration with Zulrah it it's pretty simple to become piled with"I'm on the mage phase but JK here's three ranged attacks in a row" even if you are doing everything right. There is a pretty major cushion that you recognize Vork's one hit attack so long as you default to keeping your cursor hovering 2 spaces away and your left hand across the ctrl key during the primary phase.

It really isn't something unreasonable you are a young adult without a family and if this is your pass time. Like shit a lot of skills need you to do literally nothing for minutes at a time where you may do other stuff or you take your 5 minute afk timer whilst going to cook your food over and over. 4 hours a day normally. Stop it that's incredibly no life people will need to stop normalIzing some folks are to RuneScape. Daily for x amount of years you're spending 1/6 of your whole day, 1/4 of the waking hours playing a video game. That's not healthy.

Just how many people browse reddit, watch TV or Netflix, or are on social websites for 4 hours a day normally? I think it's probably 90 percent or more. Why's it only"no life" in case you play RS with that time instead? I feel as the newish shit and Screen Time Usage alarms would show folks how long they waste. Adding me, but is it wasted time if it is my time? Who the fuck is somebody to explain to you how to dictate your'spare'. A person will brag about binging a 10 hour long season of a show and people will not care.

You say you and Cod played for two hours together with the bro's and their eyes roll. Notably the facebook permanently scrolling and twitter individuals. You can't complain about free time if you are on Reddit. I am just venting and 5 people will see this. I mean I understand exactly what you mean and where you are coming from. I used to play 6+ hours a day until I got to college and had to discontinue. After I stopped I recognized men to buy RS gold and women play games for about two hours a day in that. So 4is a lot even if it doesn't feel like it.
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