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Aerospace and Automotive Metal Stamping


なし Aerospace and Automotive Metal Stamping

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前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 | 投稿日時 2021-2-19 16:39
xysoom  長老   投稿数: 3019
Aerospace and Automotive Metal Stamping

With 60 years of experience, 33 presses, and the ability to work with a wide range of metals, we can provide the structural solution your project needs. For our automotive customers, we stamp everything from small brackets to closure panels, including full size body sides, floor panels, A-frames, hoods, and battery trays, among other parts. Our aerospace division produces bulkheads, duct sections, and heat and thermal shields as well as engine, structural, and fuel system components. We are the only manufacturer in the United States who has engineered a process that allows us to stamp complex parts in one piece, such as stainless steel lipskins for airplanes.To get more news about stamping parts china, you can visit tenral official website.

Our expertise goes beyond stamping a part and shipping it to you. We engineer the manufacturing process to ensure it is as efficient as possible. We utilize Autoform, formability software for the engineering, evolution, and improvement of the sheet metal forming process, including spring back analysis. As a full-service sheet metal supplier, we understand the key to being a successful partner is more than just delivering a high-quality product on-time. If you are looking for a trusted, reliable partner for your metal forming needs, look no further than QMC-EMI.

We have stamping presses to manufacture virtually any of the aerospace and automotive stamping parts you need. Our 33 presses range from 150 to 4,000 tons with bed sizes from 42” x 60” to 240” x 96”. Our equipment allows us to manufacture parts of various material specifications and thicknesses. This includes hand and coil fed transfer and tandem line presses. We feature a 2,500 ton coil fed transfer press allowing for a faster, more automated process for large stampings and assemblies. Our brake press uses v-tool forming, reducing tool costs for straight, less complex bends. We also have 500 and 600 ton presses with roll-out bolsters that use multiple dies and minimize change outs over time. Combined, this gives us the ability to stamp the parts you need to get your product to market faster.

Our in-house kirksite foundry allows for full control of tooling and assembly for projects that require quick turnaround. It is EPA approved and has a pour capacity of over 750,000 lbs. a month, which uniquely positions us for aerospace and automotive metal stamping projects.

Our experienced craftsmen utilize traditional production processes as well as prototype customization, allowing for greater repeatability and accuracy. Our years of experience in tool design process drives consistency, efficiency, and performance throughout your project.
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