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WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Interview


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前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 | 投稿日時 2021-4-7 13:51
xysoom  長老   投稿数: 2984
WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Interview

With all of the content originally announced for World of Warcraft Classic already released, many fans have been eagerly waiting to hear about the game's next steps. Their anticipation was rewarded during the opening ceremony of BlizzConline, where it was announced that World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic is coming in 2021.To get more news about buy wow gold eu, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

With WoW: Burning Crusade Classic officially announced, fans of the game can begin making preparations for their journeys through the Dark Portal. While many players will choose to keep their characters from World of Warcraft Classic and continue on with their story, others may decide to begin an all new adventure at the game's launch.

Screen Rant had the chance to speak with Holly Longdale, lead producer for World of Warcraft Classic, along with Patrick Dawson, World of Warcraft's production director, about the exciting announcement. We discussed the successes Blizzard had with Classic's initial release, how the studio's design philosophy has changed heading into Burning Crusade Classic, and what could be coming for World of Warcraft in the distant future.

Patrick Dawson: "No changes" being our guiding principle for WoW Classic made it very easy to make decisions on it. We just went to the reference client and went to that. But one thing we learned as we went through the release of the content in Classic is that [no changes] may not always be in the best interest of the players. Putting back in things like spell batching made the game feel a little less crisp. It was authentic, but it's not what modern players want. The community today is so different from what the community was back in 2007 that it had us take a different philosophy with Burning Crusade, where we actually started to allow ourselves to make some changes that were in the best interests of the players that will continue to develop alongside the community.

Holly Longdale: From my point of view, it's all the mechanics and the design that bring people together. It's all the growth of the community, within the mechanics of the game itself. I talk a lot about "drive-by buffing" and making friends on long runs to places. I always make the run from Teldrassil to Ironforge, and I usually meet a couple people along the way. To me, that's what makes Classic really unique, and it's sustaining it and the excitement of bringing that back. It's a very friendly, loving place. The pace is also a little bit slower. There's a bit more time to take your time and get embedded in the immersion and the story, and evolve that way. And there's the thrill and excitement of achievement. So getting into dungeons and getting into raids has a different feel to it. It was more like an achievement rather than an expectation. And I think that's some of the magic of Classic that started way back when - and continued, again, in 2007 with The Burning Crusade. And we fully expect it will continue when Burning Crusade Classic launches.
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