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Coffee Tins


なし Coffee Tins

msg# 1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 | 投稿日時 2021-10-20 15:32
kill613  常連   投稿数: 56
Those who like to grind their coffee beans at home, rather than to buy them already ground, know how important it is to keep them in good condition. Coffee that is exposed to the environment loses its aroma and freshness in a very short time, and that is why the best way to store ground coffee is to use a jar or a tin of coffee.Get more news about Candela Tin Box,you can vist our website!
You can also buy the coffee beans and roast them yourself, and in that case, you will also need to store them under the same premises as we have just mentioned.

Buying a tin of coffee is also a good option to give as a gift on any given occasion. If the recipient of the gift is fond of this product, then you are guaranteed success. Here are some of the best tins for storing ground coffee that you can find on Amazon right now. As you can see, it is not by the variety that you will stop buying one:
The storage of coffee is a fundamental process for the good conservation of our raw material. It should be noted that the doses of coffee used in a standard preparation are usually small (6 or 7 grams per espresso), and therefore a packet of coffee Tin last us several weeks.

That’s enough time for it to lose some of its essential properties if we don’t store it well.

To store coffee in the right way and prevent it from losing its properties, we should follow these simple guidelines:
Avoid direct light. It’s no coincidence that all coffee tins, or speciality coffee jars (like many of those you’ll see on this page) are opaque. If you keep it in a transparent container, store it in a cupboard or pantry, well protected from light.
Store it in an airtight coffee container. Oxygen accelerates the oxidation of coffee, so it’s best to protect it in a well-sealed can. Also, an airtight seal will prevent the absorption of odours.
Avoid places with high temperatures. It is also not necessary to keep coffee in the fridge (although many people recommend it), but at least avoid exposing it to the sun or placing it too close to kitchens. The fridge is a source of humidity and neighbouring odours, and is not recommended for storing coffee.
Grind the right amount before using it. Storing roasted coffee is a similar process as with ground coffee, but the coffee beans keep better than ground coffee, because they have a much smaller surface area and are therefore less exposed to oxidation. Invest in a good grinder, and always grind just the right amount of coffee you need.
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