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Have You Been Scammed


なし Have You Been Scammed

msg# 1
xysoom  長老   投稿数: 2984
Have You Been Scammed

FxWinning.net is an online trading broker owned by FxWinning Limited and located at Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines & Unit 1411, 14 floor, Cosco Tower, 183 Queen Road Central, Hong Kong & 28 October Ave 333, Ariadne House, office 32, 3106 Limassol, Cyprus. To get more news about fxwinning, you can visit wikifx.com official website.

The first step to protecting yourself from fraudulent parties online is to do thorough due diligence on the companies and entities that you are planning to send the funds to. In all probability, there have been other users who have already used the same service, and have expressed their opinions and feedback online on various forums.

After conducting some research on various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), as well as online trading forums, a general theme emerged where users were dissatisfied with their experience with FxWinning.net. Based on this user feedback, it appears that FxWinning.net is not a trustworthy broker, and hence, extreme caution should be applied before investing through their brokerage platform.

There are a lot of brokers out there operating under fake company names or that have other fraudulent operations. A little bit of preliminary research can go a long way in protecting you and your finances.
When searching for brokers to conduct your trading activities with, the first and most important step should always be to learn about their certification(s). This will tell you whether they are regulated by a central authority or if FxWinning.net is an offshore and/or unregulated entity.

When a broker is unregulated or regulated by an entity outside of your jurisdiction, you have limited to no legal recourse in the event that your funds are compromised. In an event of theft, complaints can only be made if that broker is licensed by the regulator in your jurisdiction. Some examples of regulatory authorities that issue brokerage licenses are:
If a broker is not licensed by the regulatory authority in your jurisdiction, that likely means that they are unregulated and should be avoided. Even if the brokerage is regulated, it is best to avoid it if the regulator happens to be outside your jurisdiction.
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