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World of Warcraft Director Shoots Down Console Port Rumors


なし World of Warcraft Director Shoots Down Console Port Rumors

msg# 1
xysoom  長老   投稿数: 3019
World of Warcraft Director Shoots Down Console Port Rumors

The director of World of Warcraft at Blizzard Entertainment has shot down the notion that the game will ever end up coming to consoles. In the past, many fans have made it known that they'd love to see WoW come to modern consoles for the first time ever. These requests and rumors have even grown stronger in the wake of Xbox Game Studios announcing that it will acquire Activision Blizzard in 2023. Despite this, though, it doesn't sound like World of Warcraft will ever be available anywhere outside of PC. To get more news about Buy WoW Gold Safe, you can visit lootwow.com official website.

In a conversation with IGN, WoW director Ion Ion Hazzikostas explained that there's not much of a chance that the long-running MMO will ever come to consoles. "Nah, I think World of Warcraft is a game designed from the ground up for the PC," he explained of the decision. "I think we've just been looking at the ways in which add-ons have at times felt increasingly required, or like the first thing you do when someone comes to the game for the first time is tell them, 'Hey, go download this add-on pack and move this stuff around' and we want to do better for our players."

Even though this news is surely disappointing to a number of fans, it doesn't mean that World of Warcraft is going to fade out at any point in the near future. In fact, Blizzard has announced this week alone that the ninth WoW expansion, titled Dragonflight, will be released at some point down the road. Additionally, World of Warcraft Classic will be getting the Wrath of the Lich King expansion later on in 2022. So while those wanting to see WoW on consoles might not be getting their wish, the game is definitely in the midst of a busy period of new content.
Are you someone that wishes World of Warcraft would come to PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo Switch hardware? Or are you more than content with it being exclusive to PC?
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