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World of Warcraft Game Director Dismisses Rumors of Eventual Console Port


なし World of Warcraft Game Director Dismisses Rumors of Eventual Console Port

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xysoom  長老   投稿数: 3019
World of Warcraft Game Director Dismisses Rumors of Eventual Console Port

Over the years, there's been a series of rumors that, one day, World of Warcraft would get a console port. Most recently, there's been discussion flaring up again due to Microsoft's acquisition of Activision-Blizzard and the tantalizing idea of an Xbox version, just as FF14 is playable on PlayStation. But at least for now, WoW game director Ion Hazzikostas is dismissing these hopes.To get more news about Buy WoW Items, you can visit lootwowgold.com official website.

In an interview about the game's newly announced expansion, Dragonflight, I asked Hazzikostas if a console port was on the horizon specifically because of the planned UI overhaul announced as a part of the expansion.

With the MMO getting improved controller support recently and now a fully customizable HUD that players can move around however they like, the time seems ripe to make the jump to consoles.
"Nah, I think World of Warcraft is a game designed from the ground up for the PC," he says. "I think we've just been looking at the ways in which add-ons have at times felt increasingly required, or like the first thing you do when someone comes to the game for the first time is tell them, 'Hey, go download this add-on pack and move this stuff around' and we want to do better for our players."

That's unfortunate news for console hopefuls, but existing PC players can still enjoy the new UI overhaul at least — the first major rework it's gotten since World of Warcraft began.

Sign-ups for the alpha and beta for Dragonflight will soon be live on the official WoW website, though the expansion does not yet have a release date. We also chatted with Hazzikostas about the new Dracthyr Evoker hero class and the overhauls to the UI, the professions system, and talent trees. And we spoke to the WoW Classic leads about some of the changes coming in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, and where Classic might go next.
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