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Asmongold Claims He’s ‘Done’ With World of Warcraft


なし Asmongold Claims He’s ‘Done’ With World of Warcraft

msg# 1
xysoom  長老   投稿数: 3019
Asmongold Claims He’s ‘Done’ With World of Warcraft

Twitch streamer Asmongold built his initial success and popularity playing World of Warcraft. That doesn't mean that he's always been the biggest fan of Blizzard's MMO, however. Now Asmongold is reaching more impressive heights playing other MMOs, including Final Fantasy 14 and Lost Ark, and is leaving World of Warcraft behind. Some World of Warcraft fans take issue with this, but Asmongold has an answer for them. He may be "done" with World of Warcraft, but that's World of Warcraft's fault alone.To get more news about Buy World of Warcraft Gold WLK, you can visit lootwowgold.com official website.

As part of a recent Twitch stream, Asmongold was going down a list of news regarding upcoming MMO releases and announcements. The list included Blizzard's upcoming World of Warcraft expansion announcement event on April 19. This led to Asmongold discussing why he's not playing World of Warcraft 9.2 and why he won't play the new expansion if it doesn't improve the game. Accordingly, Asmongold received a number of frustrated responses from World of Warcraft fans in his chat, and that drove Asmongold to a more hostile response of his own in which he said he was done with the MMO.
In an expletive-laden speech, Asmongold explained that he's tired of Blizzard releasing the same "garbage" every patch and treating it like it's new. He's referring to progression systems that he views as wasting his time, limiting access to progression purely to stretch content out over time. He says that Blizzard is in a cycle of releasing content with "handicaps" and "time-wasting mechanisms" that are then removed with catch-up systems later.

Asmongold says that he doesn't want to deal with this type of game design anymore. He acknowledges that this isn't a World of Warcraft-exclusive style of design, by any means, but that he's spent over a decade playing World of Warcraft and wants the game to do something different. Until then, he says he's "exhausted" and that he's "done with it."

While Asmongold clearly has very strong feelings about World of Warcraft's shortcomings, that doesn't mean he's stopped being a fan. Before going on his rant, he tells his viewers that he's actually looking forward to Blizzard's announcement of its new expansion. He wants Blizzard to make the kind of MMO he wants to play. He just doesn't want to play the MMO as it is.

There are definitely some accusations in Asmongold's chat that he's just playing sides and that now that he plays Final Fantasy 14 and Lost Ark, he's choosing to make World of Warcraft the villain. Asmongold rejects this, saying that his feelings about World of Warcraft have nothing to do with Final Fantasy 14 or Lost Ark. He even admits Lost Ark does have some time-wasting mechanics but that the experience is fresh and fun still. It seems that's really all Asmongold wants in an MMO, to have fun.
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