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Everything you need to know about percolator bongs


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前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 | 投稿日時 2021-12-4 15:59
xysoom  長老   投稿数: 3019
Everything you need to know about percolator bongs

Whether you're looking for a simple piece of glass or something straight out of a chemistry lab, finding the perfect bong can be tricky with so many options available. And if you've ripped a few bongs in your life, you've probably heard of a percolator bong, or “perc,” before, though their purpose may still be a mystery. To get more news about best big bong, you can visit sharebongs.com official website.

Percolators are a type of glass bong, sometimes called “water pipe,” that diffuse cannabis smoke and make it easier to inhale. Percolator bongs are a longtime staple in weed culture.
Do percolators actually make any difference in your smoking experience, or are they just fancy additions that function just as well as plain glass bongs? You're in luck, because these are exactly the kind of questions we'll be answering in Weedmaps' guide to percolator bongs. While percolators can look complicated, they actually make your bong easier to hit. Located either in the tube of the bong or the base, a perc is basically a small glass contraption which water passes through to create a filter.

When you inhale from a percolator bong, the smoke is diffused into tons of bubbles which make that classic bong rip sound. These bubbles increase the surface area over which smoke travels within the piece, giving it time to cool down and filter out impurities. This process produces a smoother hit, which means less coughing and more bong rips.

If you're new to bong life, or you usually find them to be too harsh on your throat, you may want to include a perc on your list of must-haves when shopping for a bong. Plus, adding a percolator bong to your repertoire of smoking accessories can be highly cost effective.

Bongs are great for getting you maximally stoned with a small amount of weed, and adding a perc to the mix allows you to ingest more smoke at a time, thus getting you higher than usual.
Perc bongs come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few standard ones you'll find in most smoke shops. Some bongs may have multiple percs that work together to provide an enhanced smoking experience. You can also find detached ash catchers that feature various percs so you can upgrade a bong you already own.

Tree percolators are probably the easiest to recognize, made up of multiple rods connected at the top which resemble tree limbs. Air comes up from a central tube and down through the rods which are slitted at the bottom, diffusing bubbles into the bong.

With more rods on your perc, you'll experience maximum filtration, though a tree percolator can be a bit delicate compared to other types. It's important to always shop from retailers who provide thick borosilicate glass bongs that won't break easily.
An inline percolator is simply a horizontal tube with several slits in them. As you probably guessed by now, more slits equals more percolation within your bong. These percs are typically located in the base of the bong and complement other types of percs, such as a showerhead.

Shaped like a showerhead, these bad boys are a popular choice among percolator lovers. Slits or holes are placed at the bottom of a vertical tube that flares out, pulling smoke into a separate diffusion chamber above the water in the base. Usually a showerhead perc will be located in the neck of the bong, especially in beaker-shaped pieces.
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