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A Tourniquet Is the Most Important Thing Your First Aid Kit Needs


なし A Tourniquet Is the Most Important Thing Your First Aid Kit Needs

msg# 1
xysoom  長老   投稿数: 2984
A Tourniquet Is the Most Important Thing Your First Aid Kit Needs

Tourniquets are tight bands used to control bleeding by completely stopping the blood flow to a wound. Tourniquets work only on arm and leg injuries; you can't exactly wrap a tight band around a patient's neck and cinch it down to stop the flow of blood.To get more news about Bleeding Control Products, you can visit rusunmedical.com official website.

The use of tourniquets was first documented on the battlefield in 1674. Complications of tourniquet use were said to lead to severe tissue damage. Soldiers had amputations of limbs that were often attributed to the use of tourniquets but could have just as easily been from infection. Eventually, tourniquets developed a bad rap in the field of emergency first aid.
Applying a tourniquet in the civilian world used to be seen as a last resort. It was thought that they made sense for soldiers because combat wounds are severe and a fighter needs to fight. It was a risk worth taking went the theory. A tourniquet can be applied and ignored.

That doesn't mean tourniquets don't work. On the contrary, tourniquets can arrest bleeding quite well and are certainly useful in cases of severe bleeding that cannot be stopped any other way. They're popular on the battlefield because they can be applied quickly and do not need to be constantly monitored once they are in place, allowing even injured soldiers to remain conscious and continue fighting.

Civilians, the thinking went, had time. We could go methodically through steps to control bleeding. We were taught to start with direct pressure and if that doesn't work, elevate. If the bleeding continued, a tourniquet became the dire option. So maligned, tourniquets were thought to guarantee the loss of a limb if they were used. Losing that blood flow would most certainly lead to catastrophic tissue damage.

Modern, evidence-based medicine is changing long-held views about tourniquets. Hemorrhage is a serious issue. When it's present, it needs to be stopped. If not, the patient could die. There's no time to mess around.Number 1 is the traditional view of going through the steps of bleeding control but accelerated. When I was just a baby-paramedic, learning to stamp out diseases and save lives, bleeding control was taught as layers of the application. First, you tried direct pressure and, after a while, moved on to elevation. How long you were supposed to wait wasn't well-defined. No matter what, it's too slow and didn't make sense.

Why wait? If direct pressure and elevation can work together, do it together. Raise the arm above the level of the heart as you're squeezing hard on the laceration to plug the hole. If at that point blood is still oozing through the bandage or out from under your fingers, a tourniquet isn't a bad idea.

Number 2 is a lesson learned from combat. Fighters fight, and tourniquets let them. That applies to civilians, too. Hikers need to hike to get to help. Patients with multiple injuries need treatments that allow the hands to be free. Long waits for the ambulance lead to fatigue in the hands of the rescuer trying to hold direct pressure.The combat application tourniquet (CAT) is the most common commercial tourniquet available. It meets the requirements of the US military. It won't pinch, it uses a windlass (a handle to tighten the tourniquet), and it can be self-applied by the patient.2

When these things first came onto the market, they only came in black, which I don't recommend for a civilian tourniquet. It totally makes sense in a combat situation not to stand out with a bright orange strap around your bleeding arm, but black hides blood and is difficult to see in low light. Doctors at the hospital could miss the tourniquet if it is black.

The CAT should be prepared prior to use by feeding the tip of the strap through the friction buckle. If you don't, it could be very hard to do under stress in the heat of the moment, especially if you're wearing gloves (nitrile or leather). The only drawback to preparing the tourniquet in advance is that you then have to slip it over the extremity to get it into place.
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